An Example: Resisting Temptation (Genesis 39:1-10)

Stephen Weaver, February 17, 2013
Part of the Genesis series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday we continue our series in Genesis we now come to chapter 39. Here we quickly note that this chapters’ theme is all about temptation. Temptation is a difficult thing; the lure of sin is very strong and challenging. Temptation can also be very subtle and deceptive as the Satan the tempter masquerades as an angel of light to deceive us. Many times we are tempted and don’t even realize we are being tempted. I think it would help to see how the Lord Jesus was tempted in Matthew 4. How did He overcome temptation? What are some things that we can learn, and how can we keep from failing in the area of temptation? That’s what we will discuss Sunday morning…

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