Are You A Good Citizen? (Philippians 1:27-30)

Stephen Weaver, September 8, 2013
Part of the Philippians series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday, we are continuing our series studying the book of Philippians, and looking at chapter 1 verses 27-30. Just as he maintained his testimony for Christ in tough circumstances; Paul urges these Philippian believers to remain faithful too. He reminds them of where there citizenship really is and urges them to live in light of that citizenship. As believers, we have the same citizenship in heaven. Are we living in light of that citizenship? Our life changes when we look at our lives in the Biblical perspective of our God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit; and live in light of eternity before us. In this passage Paul gives us 3 reminders of how we ought to live as citizens of heaven. We will share these and much more on Sunday morning. . .

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