A Mighty Crowd of Witnesses (1 John 5:6-12)

Stephen Weaver, December 13, 2015
Part of the 1 John series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday we will be back in our series in 1 John 5 looking at verses 6-12. Here John writes of the testimonies of Jesus Christ including the water and the blood. These along with the Holy Spirit all give testimony to the truth of Jesus Christ the Messiah. God the Father also gives testimony to the truth of His Son. And the believer also gives testimony with the evidence of Jesus in his heart. All these John says point to the truth that everyone MUST believe that Jesus was who He said He was. And to not believe in Him is to make God a liar because he testified the truth about his son. Either a person believes and has eternal life or they don’t. Do you believe? More on this Sunday morning…

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