Threats on the True Believer (Proverbs 119:133-136)

Stephen Weaver, July 30, 2017
Part of the Psalm 119 series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday we continue our series in the book of Psalms chapter 119. Working through this Psalm verse by verse we are, this Sunday, in verses 133-136. In this passage, the singer’s wonder of God’s Word; means he never wants to take it for granted (129)! Now he wants God to order his steps because of the influence of evil from within (133) and without (134). Are Christians aware of the problem of the effect of evil all around them? How many times do we underestimate the power of the evil one? Along with this deliverance the singer also desires the good blessing of the Lord’s favor upon him. And because of all these blessings the psalmist grieves at those who do not obey God’s law and miss out. There is much we can learn from this passage which we will do Sunday morning…

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