What is Discipleship (Luke 14:25-33)

Stephen Weaver, December 31, 2017
Part of the Deliberate Discipleship series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday we begin a series of messages based on our theme for 2018: “Deliberate Discipleship 2018, Who Will You Reach?”

Our message this Sunday is from Luke 14 beginning in verse 25; What is Discipleship? Is discipleship different or separate from conversion? If you claim to be a believer are you truly a disciple? Three times in this passage Jesus says to the followers He had at that moment: “you cannot be my disciple”! Why would Jesus use such strong words to describe discipleship? Because he was telling the people to COUNT THE COST OF DISCIPLESHIP! An important consideration for all people who would want to follow Christ. Have they counted that cost? Have YOU counted the cost? More on this Sunday morning…

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