The Law of Sowing & Reaping (Part 2) (Galatians 6:6-10)

Stephen Weaver, March 18, 2018
Part of the Galatians series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday we continue our series in Galatians, looking at chapter 6, verses 7-10. Here Paul talks about the law of sowing and reaping. That it is sure; because God is not mocked; no one will change the justice of God! Whatever one sows; one will reap. The focus is on the sowing, and the future and God’s end time harvest. Every person is sowing – either to the flesh, or to the Spirit. Are you looking to the future, taking the long look in your sowing? What about eternity? Are you prepared for the end time harvest? Then sow the seeds of repentance and the seeds of works that are pleasing to the Spirit! Do good, and don’t get discouraged in well doing. More on this Sunday morning…

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