What, Are You Crazy? (Jonah 1:7-10)

Stephen Weaver, June 10, 2018
Part of the Jonah series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning we will continue our new series on the short book of Jonah. We will be looking at chapter 1 verses 7-10. Here we learn about the fear of the Lord. Jonah is found out as being the one responsible for all the trouble they’re having (severe storm). Jonah confesses who he is and what God means to him as he makes no excuse for his sin of running from the Lord. Great fear comes on the sailors as they ask Jonah: “why would you do this?” Why would anyone try to run from God? As verse 9 says: “God has made the sea and dry land.” And He is LORD over all of it! More on this Sunday morning…

Fatal Error (show)