What's Your Fish Story? (Joshua 1:17)

Stephen Weaver, July 1, 2018
Part of the Jonah series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning, we continue our series on the book of Jonah. We will be looking at chapter 1, the last verse, verse 17. Here God is the subject, the “main character” of what takes place just as Jonah is tossed overboard. God is obviously still in control and does exactly what he wills. God prepares, appoints a great fish to do His bidding. As a result, Jonah is swallowed up and spends 3 days in an absolute terrible place, but never in danger of losing his life. Because God is in control! Doing what He sovereignly wills to bring His prophet back to Himself. God controls it all to do His work. He will in your life too. More on this Sunday morning…

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