How Low Can You Go? (Jonah 2:5-7)

Stephen Weaver, July 15, 2018
Part of the Jonah series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning, we continue our series on the book of Jonah. We will be looking at chapter 2, verses 5-7. Here in Jonah’s prayer we have him talking about how low he went in his almost drowning experience. Again, what is recorded in chapter 2 is the prayer of thanks for the answered prayer Jonah has already done. How he cried out to the Lord while he was drowning! God will rescue when we cry out to him, but so many times we wait till the last second to cry out to Him; or God waits till the last second to rescue us. He perhaps is teaching another lesson as He has us wait on Him. Don’t wait till the last second or wait till you get to the bottom before calling out to God! God is ready and willing to answer. More on this Sunday morning…

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