What Is the Bible to You? (Psalm 119:161-164)

Stephen Weaver, August 5, 2018
Part of the Psalm 119 series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning, we will return to Psalm 119 for a few weeks. We have been preaching through the entire lengthy chapter off and on for some time. So we return to the chapter picking up where we left off looking at verses 161-164. In these verses is much about the Word of God, so I ask, what does the Bible mean to you? In this passage the psalmist (singer) shows us we don’t need to fear people, but to tremble and be in awe of the Word. That we can understand the worth of God’s Word, and have a love and praise for God’s Word. Why? Because His Word is treasure to us. More on this passage Sunday morning…

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