Doers of the Word (James 1:22-25)

Stephen Weaver, January 15, 2012
Part of the A Need To Hear From The Lord series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning as we continue our verse by verse study in the epistle of James we come to chapter 1 verses 22-25. Here James continues on the theme “be swift to hear” with further explanation as to what it means to be a “quick hearer.” A good listener will take action on what he hears! Sometimes believers are deceived into thinking because they listen they’re all set, which James says here is so far from the truth. James uses an analogy of a mirror to illustrate how ridiculous it is to hear God’s word, and then not do anything.

Verse 25 then tells us what a good listener and doer of the word is all about. Are you a listener and a doer? The doer will then be blessed because he follows the truth of God’s word.

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