God Works with Us (Jonah 3:1-4)

Stephen Weaver, September 30, 2018
Part of the Jonah series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning, we finally get back to our series on the book of Jonah. We pick up where we left off after chapter 2, and begin chapter 3 looking at verses 1-4. Here Jonah is given a second chance as God in His mercy comes and calls him a 2nd time. This time God says the same thing as before, and also tells Jonah to proclaim the words He tells him to speak. With all this happening there are a few lessons God has for Jonah in all this. What is Jonah’s attitude and thinking at this point being recently spit up on the beaches of Israel? Has he learned? What is he still being taught? Even more, what should we learn? Well come Sunday and you’ll find out!

Fatal Error (show)