Who Knows? (Jonah 3:9-10)

Stephen Weaver, October 14, 2018
Part of the Jonah series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning, we continue our series on the book of Jonah. We are in chapter 3 looking at verses 9-10. In this message, I want to talk about God’s grace and mercy in comparison to His sure judgment. Anyone who has sinned against God’s grace (and we all have) will wonder in God’s just judgment, will God forgive me? He will forgive, but will He take away the consequences of the sin? Who knows? Who knows if God will in His mercy take away the judgment (consequences) of sin. That’s the question in our text that the king of Nineveh asks. He has no idea if God would stop the coming judgment in 40 days. God sees the hearts of the Ninevites, and their changes and has amazing compassion and pity on them; so that he does not bring the judgment on them. That’s very difficult for us to grasp – the mercy of God. More on this Sunday morning…

Fatal Error (show)