Lifting Up One Another (Exodus 17:8-16)

Stephen Weaver, December 2, 2018
Part of the Exodus series, preached at a Sunday Evening service

On Sunday evening we continue our series in the book of Exodus, looking at chapter 17 verses 8-16. Here the Israelites are rudely attacked by the Amalekites. Moses tells Joshua to pick out men to fight while Moses goes up the hill to hold God’s rod up. Why? When he holds the rod of God Israel prevails when he puts the rod down Israel loses. But Moses gets tired and Aaron and Hur are there to help; as good Christian friends are. Are you lifting up others as we hold up the banner of God’s victory (Jehovah-Nissi) Are we looking to the banner of God’s victory in our lives as the Israelites did as they looked to Moses on the hill. There are some important lessons we can learn from this passage. More on this Sunday evening…

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