Prayer or Praise? (Psalm 119:169-176)

Stephen Weaver, May 19, 2019
Part of the Psalm 119 series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday we as we come back to our Psalm 119 series to finish this off/on study, we started some time ago on this lengthy chapter. We will be looking at the last verses: 169-176. Here we see an unusual end to this Psalm where the singer you would think would be doing better by now. But in reality, he’s not; he’s still struggling! Here the singer is still calling out to the Lord for help, and then praising the Lord for what God taught him in the Word. But then in the next verse, 173, he’s back to crying out (praying) for help. So, which is it? Praise or Prayer? Which is it for you? Actually, it’s both, and life goes back and forth between the two. More on this Sunday morning…

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