Sent Into A Storm! (John 6:16-21)

Stephen Weaver, July 21, 2019
Part of the John series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning, we continue our series in the gospel of John. We will be looking at chapter 6 verses 16-21. In this passage Jesus wants His disciples to get away from the crowds that were trying to make Jesus king, so they don’t get caught up in the hype. So Jesus compels the disciples to get into a boat on the Sea of Galilee, and proceeds to send them into a storm. Yes, He sends them knowingly into a storm and then delays getting to and helping the disciples. Jesus was helping them learn and preparing them for 2 miracles. What can we learn from this story and 2 miracles? Simply this: THOSE WHO FOLLOW CHRIST WILL FACE CONTRARY WINDS!
More about this principle and much more this Sunday morning…

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