Christ Gives a Second Chance (John 8:1-11)

Stephen Weaver, September 1, 2019
Part of the John series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning, we continue our series in the gospel of John. We will be looking at chapter 8 verses 1-11. In this passage Jesus is faithfully teaching people that come to Him. Suddenly the chief and priests and Pharisees bring a adulterous woman taken in the act! Sounds like a set up doesn’t it? Where is the man? Why didn’t they bring him? These religious leaders aren’t looking for the right answer; they are looking to find ways to get Jesus to say or do things so that they can destroy Him. Even though they have the law on their side there are several problems. Also, how can Jesus give her a 2nd chance when the law says she must be punished? We’ll have the answers to all of these questions Sunday morning…

Fatal Error (show)