Who Are You to Judge? (James 4:11-12)

Stephen Weaver, June 3, 2012
Part of the James series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday our text takes us back to our verse by verse study in the book of James. We will be studying this Sunday morning, chapter 4:11-12. In this eleventh command James addresses the problem of slander among believers (3 times uses the word “brother” in verse 11). This is a sin widely condemned in the scriptures and is clearly a sin God hates, yet it is a sin that often gets overlooked as “not a big deal.” But oh, the destruction of the slanderous tongue on people everywhere! James says you are putting yourself in a serious position to speak evil of someone else, to run down someone else (by the way it does not matter if it’s true or not). In this passage James gives serious reasons why slander is wrong. We will look at them Sunday morning…

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