Community Baptist Church was founded through the church planting program at Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC. God burdened Mr. & Mrs. Larry Malone to contact BJU about planting a church in the Rochester, NH area. The church planting team, including Cliff Stewart, came to the area and investigated the need. After prayerful consideration, Pastor Stewart felt called to start this church. In July of 1977, Community Baptist Church was born with eight charter families. The church met in the home of Mr. & Mrs. Freeman.

In 1978-79, the church purchased the present property with the house and the small building, which is now known as the “Little Church.” Much work was needed on the small building, so Paul Whitfield came to help with the repairs and to build an addition. It was a blessing from God to have our own property. The church seated about 50-75 people and housed the following: auditorium, pastor’s office, nursery, and three Sunday school rooms. Through the preaching of God’s Word, the church began to grow. In 1981 a building fund was started for what was to become our present building. In 1990, God provided a beautiful new facility on the same property that seats about 200 people. Many improvements have been made over the years on both buildings and we are grateful for all the Lord has given us. However, the most important changes in our church were in the spiritual lives of our church family.

In 2002, Community Baptist Church celebrated its 25th anniversary. We are blessed that all of our pastors have been Godly men who desired to shepherd a church that honors God. We are thankful for the consistent focus placed on God’s Word and the desire to win others to Christ.

One goal of our church is to spread the gospel of salvation to others.

Another goal of Community Baptist Church is to provide growth and fellowship for born-again Christians. We, as a church, are here to glorify God and to meet the spiritual needs of this community. God is very much alive at Community Baptist Church. We are very family oriented and welcome visitors with a God-given friendliness. We would like to extend an invitation to you to come and worship with us.