What kind of church are we?
Community Baptist Church is an independent Baptist and historically fundamental church.
Independent Baptist means that we are not affiliated with any denominational structure or organization. We exist as an independent church and are led by biblically qualified pastors, served by biblically qualified deacons, and submit ourselves to the authority of the Bible.
Historically Fundamental means that we hold to the cardinal doctrines of the faith that were contended for and identified as the fundamentals in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.
Our Vision
We seek to glorify God by growing a New Testament church that aids and encourages its members to love God, to live the Word, and to live the Great Commission
Our Mission
We exist to be a Great Commission church that produces gospel-focused, grace-filled disciples of Jesus Christ committed to personal and corporate evangelism by edifying and equipping the saints through biblical preaching and teaching, fellowship and unity, and living lives of worship for the glory of God.
We summarize our mission so that our members can easily remember it for everyday living:
Live the Great Commission
Walk in Grace
Be the Church
For the Glory of God
Our Core Values
The following core values have been adopted as the cultural distinctives that will shape and define Community Baptist Church. All of these either flow directly out of Scriptural command or from biblical principle.
Biblical Preaching
One of the first direct commands Christ gave concerning the church, was to Peter, “Feed my sheep.” This is one of the primary duties of a pastor and part of the life flow of the Church. For a church to truly be the “pillar and ground of the truth,” the Word must be proclaimed in an expositional manner that, whether in teaching, textual or topical preaching, promotes the truth of the gospel, biblical theology, and the whole counsel of God. This will flow out of the personal study and prayer life of the under-shepherd as he walks daily with the Good Shepherd.
John 21:15-17, Acts 20:27-28, 1Timothy 3:15, 1Peter 5:2, Ecclesiastes 12:9-11
Authentic Christianity
The Christian life was never meant to be lived behind a façade. James tells us that the authentic believer is the one who gazes at himself in the mirror of the Word, he peers into the Word, he fixes his attention in the Word, and then he lives it out in faith. He is a real person, living by faith in holiness as salt and light in a real world. Word focused preaching and teaching will promote Word focused believers; mature in their faith. Mature Christians will make the church body one that is fitly joined together and growing together in love.
Acts 2:42-47, Colossians 1:27-28, Ephesians 4:16, James 1:22-25
Authentic Worship
Authentic worship pours out of the daily walk of the believer as he gives God His rightful place and glory. They will bring this heart with them into the corporate gathering of the church. Conservative, biblically regulated worship which is made up of fellowship, prayer, singing, Scripture reading, giving, and preaching can be edifying, exhilarating, and dynamic when carried out by authentic Spirit-led believers. Dynamic corporate worship is the result of dynamic personal worship.
Acts 2:46, Ephesians 5:18, Colossians 3:16-17
Authentic Fellowship
Authentic fellowship brings health and stability to the life of the believer. It is a fellowship that is genuine in its love for the brethren and in being such will provoke to good works, promote unity, exercise forbearance, live in humility and practice gentleness.
Ephesians 4:1-2, 16, Hebrews 10:25
Servant Leadership
Servant leadership was taught to the disciples when Jesus by his own example girded himself with a towel and washed his disciples’ feet. He reminded them that the greatest among them would be their servant. A Christian or a church who will make a difference is one that walks slowly through the crowd and seeks out opportunities to serve others. Great leaders must first learn to and then have the opportunity to serve. This does not come as a result of being ‘told what to do” but comes from servant leaders who train servant leaders. This growth comes from a biblical pattern established by Christ, instated by the apostles, and taught to Timothy by the apostle Paul: purposeful multiplication.
John 13:1-16, Galatians 5:13; 6:2, 2Timothy 2:2
Great Commission Vision
Outside of God’s glory, the greatest task of the church is to spread the gospel into all the world. This was the last command that Jesus spoke as he ascended into Heaven. The Great Commission is what keeps the heart of the church warm toward God and others. It creates a heart, not just for the world, but for the surrounding community. A church that is reaching outward will not have the time to reach inward, creating a slow death. Reaching outward involves maintaining an active missions program, regular missions communications, mission trips to the field by the pastor and people of the church, and outreach opportunities within the community of the church.
Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, Romans 1:16, 1Corinthians 1:17
Great Commission Living
The Great Commission was not just given to the church as a body, but to individual believers. A church thrives when its individual members take on the responsibility of Great Commission living. Churches do not bring an individual to Christ, individuals bring individuals to Christ and individuals disciple individuals. Great Commission living keeps the individual believer’s heart burning with love for others as they build relationships and disciple new believers. It also builds the desire to see the Lord use their efforts to bring souls to the knowledge of salvation. Many times, it is from this heart that God calls his servants into full time labor.
Matthew 9:37-38, 1Corinthians 5:18-20, 1Peter 3:15
Eternally Minded Stewardship
As people who have received everything by the grace of God, we commit both personally and corporately to wise and generous stewardship of all that God has entrusted to us. We will not hoard people or resources but will joyfully give to bless the body of Christ. In a world that values what is passing away, we will invest in eternity by valuing people, and invest in programs, and facility projects that promote God’s glory and eternal rewards.
Matthew 6:19-21, Acts 2:44-45, Acts 13:1-4, Malachi 3:8-10, 1Corinthians 16:2, 1Corinthians 9:7-12, 1Timothy 5:17-18, Philippians 4:15-19