Favoritism and Family Problems (Part 2) (Genesis 37:1-11)

Stephen Weaver, January 13, 2013
Part of the Genesis series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday we continue our series in the book of Genesis looking at chapter 37. In verses 1-11 we will be looking at the 2nd part of family problems. The problem once again that is before us, in verses 1-11 is the favoritism Jacob showed toward Joseph and the problems it created in the family. This week I want to look at the favoritism problem from the perspective of the one who is being favored, that is Joseph. Did he contribute to the problem and make it worse?

What do you do, or what can you do if you are in the position of the one being favored? Do favored people see it? Many don’t and as a result don’t do anything about it. After all it does have its advantages, (for them) right? This is an important topic and a different perspective that we will discuss on Sunday morning.

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