Sin and Seared Conscience (Genesis 37:29-36)

Stephen Weaver, February 3, 2013
Part of the Genesis series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday we continue our series in Genesis chapter 37, we look at verses 29-36. We will talk about from this passage “sin and a seared conscience.” What happens when a conscience others someone because of the wrong that they have done? Does it ever really go away when sin has not been repented of and forgiveness given? Are there sins that will plague a memory for a long time? These are some of the questions I believe we can raise as we look at Joseph’s brothers after they have done a terrible thing to their brother Joseph. What is going through their minds? How do they deal with the guilt? I believe there is much we can learn about the problem of unresolved, unconfessed sin. These are some of the things we will discuss Sunday morning…

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