Continue Pressing On (Philippians 3:15-16)

Stephen Weaver, January 19, 2014
Part of the Philippians series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday in our series in the book of Philippians; we will be looking at chapter 3:15-16. In this passage Paul encourages Christians to keep pursuing the prize. As a matter of fact every believer should always be aggressively pursuing the “high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” If someone is not pursuing God, God will correct them (v. 15). He also talks about those who are pressing on and says they will be in agreement with each other that this is what every believer will be doing. He won’t dwell on those things behind but must forget those things, and pressing ahead to what God had before him. Let’s continue on in our present and future pursuit of God. More on this Sunday morning…

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