How Can You Know? (Part 2) (1 John 2:3-6)

Stephen Weaver, October 26, 2014
Part of the 1 John series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

For the next 2 Sundays 10/19 & 10/26 we look at in our series in the epistle of first John chapter 2 verses 3-6. Here John after speaking of Christ being the propitiation for our sins, he now gives a test of assurance of our salvation. Can we know that we are saved and on our way to heaven? Many people in our world say we can’t know, but John says differently. He gives a test so that every person can know if they are truly a Christian and thereby give assurance of that fact. What is the test? How does it lead to assurance? We will answer these questions in the next 2 messages on Sunday morning…

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