Three Conditions of Victory (Exodus 33:17-19, Exodus 34:6)

Stephen Weaver, April 10, 2016
Part of the Saying "No" Series series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

Our theme for this year is Peace, not noise. We continue that theme this Sunday as we talk about the noise of temptation. This will be the 2nd message in a sub series called Saying “NO” to temptation based on Dr. Erwin Lutzer’s book entitled “Getting to No, How to Break a Stubborn Habit”

In this message we will talk about how we must understand any change in our lives with breaking sin problems are done on God’s terms. And that we must accept certain conditions about ourselves that will help us on the road to victory in our lives. What are these 3 conditions? I’ll share these enlightening conditions on Sunday morning…

Fatal Error (show)