The Extent of the Problem (Jeremiah 29:12-17)

Stephen Weaver, April 24, 2016
Part of the Saying "No" Series series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

Our theme for this year is Peace, not noise. We continue on that theme this Sunday as we talk about the noise of temptation, and how to say no. In this message we will talk about how Christians misunderstand the full extent of the problem in getting victory over a persistent temptation and sin problem. Many times people want victory over their sin problem for their own benefit! They want to get past the problem without an examination of a deeper problem in their life. What is God ultimately trying to teach? What other sins may He be working on in someone’s life that they might be totally oblivious to? Again, as we said we must understand any change in our lives with breaking sin problems are done on God’s terms. We will talk more about all this on Sunday morning…

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