Where Do You Turn? (Psalm 119:89-96)

Stephen Weaver, July 24, 2016
Part of the Psalm 119 series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning we are going back to where we left off in our series on Psalm 119. Last October was the last time we did a message on Psalm 119 going verse by verse. We will pick up where we left off and look at the next section this Sunday, verses 89-96. These verses talk about what the psalmist just went through and how he came through the trial. The trial, his low point explained in verses 81-88; he now turns to how he got through all that in our current text. Who [what] does he credit getting him through the trial? The Word of God! Who gets the credit when you get through tough trials? God? His Word? Brother so and so? Such and such ministry or circumstance? Do Christians get help and give credit where its due? We’ll look at this Sunday morning. . .

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