A Portrait of a Secular Man (Genesis 35:23-36:43)

Stephen Weaver, October 2, 2011
Part of the Genesis series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

After Jacob returns home to his father and brother we see him introduce his sons to Isaac their grandfather probably to encourage Isaac that God was indeed fulfilling His promise to Isaac and Jacob as these 12 sons are the beginning of the 12 tribes of Israel.
Isaac’s death is mentioned early here in verses 28-29 as he does not pass away until 12 years after Joseph is sold into slavery.
As we come to chapter 36 we come to the genealogy of Esau’s family probably recorded by him and given to Jacob. I believe it gives us a sad revelation and picture of a secular man. We will note what he writes and how he describes his wives children and grandchildren. We will note a lot of pride in it all. Physically speaking, Esau seems to have it all… but we must remember what Jesus said: “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul…” Mark 8:36

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