The Struggle of Being Double-Minded (Part 1) (Psalm 119:113-120)

Stephen Weaver, August 21, 2016
Part of the Psalm 119 series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning and on September 4th we are going to be in the 15th section of Psalm 119 verses 113-120. We will be talking about the ways of the double minded; as that is what this section is about. The psalmist says (113) he hates the traitor, backstabber, 2 faced, double-crosser. The one who is on one side, and then jumps to the other side and back again with no commitment or true dedication to the team they should be on [where they should be]. The true believer, and the psalmist here wants to be truly dedicated to the Lord and be on His side even though the struggle of the world, the flesh and the devil tempts us to go to their side. So the psalmist gives 3 points, 3 helps to keep us from being double-minded. We will look at the first point this morning and 2 more on 9/4.

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