A Real Slave (James 1:1)

Stephen Weaver, October 9, 2011
Part of the James series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning we will take a break from our series in Genesis (we will come back to it later and continue from chapter 37), and we will begin a verse by verse study in the epistle of James. We will begin this series by looking at the background material that includes information about letters and the author and recipients. Then we have a very interesting point made in the first verse as the great Pastor James describes himself as a slave. Not a servant but a slave is the best correct translation. It is the term many times used to describe what a “Christian” is in the New Testament. So I ask you the question: are you a slave to your Savior the Lord Jesus Christ? Many unfortunately do not see themselves this way, and we have to wonder about their true relationship with God. What is really a true slave of Christ? We will talk more about this Sunday morning. . .

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