Law and Grace (Galatians 2:17-21)

Stephen Weaver, December 11, 2016
Part of the Galatians series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning we continue our series in the book of Galatians. In chapter 2 verses 17-21 we see some more questions Paul answers in his confrontation of Peter. Here in these verses he addresses the problem with going back to the law for (or part of) salvation. Paul says we are free from the law, it is dead to us. We serve God in response to His great grace upon us! We don’t live according to rules because we are in a relationship. We serve the Lord and do right because our old nature that used to be in charge is no longer in power anymore. It is dead. “I am crucified with Christ”! So the life “which I now live” We WILL live for Him. This removes all easy believism. More on this Sunday morning…

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