Blessed Through Abraham (Galatians 3:6-9)

Stephen Weaver, April 9, 2017
Part of the Galatians series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday we continue our series in the book of Galatians. We are on chapter 3 verses 6-9. Here the writer, the apostle Paul, continues to make arguments against the false teaching of the Judaizers who were deceiving (bewitching) many of these Galatian believers. After he had questioned them on 3 things in verses 1-5: [Did you receive the Spirit by works or by faith? You started out your Christian walk with the Holy Spirit are you now sanctified by the flesh? And, you’ve experienced so many things in your Christian life were they experienced as a reward of your faith, or is He rewarding your works?] He now argues from the Old Testament, pointing out that Abraham specifically, but also ALL believers then were saved the same way as today: by faith! Paul also points out all the blessings Gentiles receive through Abraham which we will explain Sunday morning…

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