Joyful Trials (Part 2) (James 1:2)

Stephen Weaver, October 23, 2011
Part of the James series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning we continue our series in our verse by verse study in the epistle of James. We will be looking at chapter 1 and the rest of verse 1, and verse 2. This week will be part 2 as we focus on the topic in which Pastor James encourages his listeners to count it all joy! We looked at the first point last week which was simply that we can! This week we look at the last 2 points that I know will be encouraging to you as it has been for me. James tells them and us to rejoice and be glad, when you face a lot of troubles, trials. At some point and time you will face troubles. Will you be able to count it all joy? But how will you do that? More about this Sunday morning. . .

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