The Benefits of Trials (James 1:3-4)

Stephen Weaver, November 6, 2011
Part of the James series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning we continue our series in our verse by verse study in the epistle of James. We will be in chapter 1, verses 3-4. This week we will be looking at the reasons the rationale behind the command to “count it all joy.” How can we be joyful? Because of what the trial can produce in the Christian life. But here is my concern: are Christians missing out on the lessons that lead to these mature results? Are we so focused on the suffering and the “woe is me” attitude that we miss the very lessons that the trial was intended to teach? Look at a past testing or trial in your life – can’t you see the hand of God at work teaching you? I certainly hope the trial was not a waste, but that you were made stronger through it. More on this topic Sunday morning. . .

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