What Does God Want (Jonah 1:13-16)

Stephen Weaver, June 24, 2018
Part of the Jonah series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning, we will continue our new series on the book of Jonah. We will be looking at chapter 1 verses 13-17. Here the writer of Jonah speaks about the fact that people always have to do things the way God wants for that is the path to the best blessings. What does God want, for you? What does God want you to do? We find the answer to these things in God’s Word; which has the answer to every situation and relationship in life. The only way to stop the God sent storm was to do what Jonah said (he was correct – toss him overboard) But the sailors delay before they finally listen and do what Jonah (God) said. There are some important lessons we can learn from this passage, and how people make excuses for not doing what God says. More on this Sunday morning…

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