God's Mercy in Judgment (Exodus 9:13-35)

Stephen Weaver, July 22, 2018
Part of the Exodus series, preached at a Sunday Evening service

On Sunday evening we continue our series in the book of Exodus, looking at chapter 9:13-35. Here we have the longest narrative explaining the next plague, a terrible storm and hail. The reason for the longer narrative is that God explains more as to what He is doing, has done, and he gives a warning of the way to escape death. God warns to take cover as the storm comes the next day. The ones who believed God took shelter; the ones who did not believe, including Pharaoh, do not take cover and die in the storm and hail. Sounds like the choice people have today about eternity. Pharaoh puts on an act of repentance to stop the storm but hardens his heart after the storm stops. More on all this Sunday evening…

Fatal Error (show)