Why Parables? (Matthew 12:1-17)

Stephen Weaver, August 19, 2018
Part of the Matthew series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday, we will do a brief mini-series in the book of Matthew, studying the ministry of Jesus Christ. Our text will be chapter 13 verses 1-17. The following Sunday, 8/26 we will be asking the question Where is your fruit? This Sunday, 8/19, we will look at why the Lord Jesus uses parables. This text in Matthew starts a string of parables that Christ uses to separate who truly believes and who is there just for a show. Those who truly believe will “get” the parables (beginning with the parable of the soils), and those who don’t believe, will not truly understand. And then the following week will follow up with the explanation of the parable of the soils. We will explain all this in the next 2 Sundays messages…

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