Are You Self-Deceived? (James 1:26-27)

Stephen Weaver, January 1, 1970
Part of the James series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning as we continue our verse by verse study in the epistle of James we come to chapter 1 verses 26-27. Here James gives a few more tests concerning the genuineness of believers who are struggling in life’s tests. James had said to be doers of the Word and not hearers only (vs.22-23). Now that theme is continued as he addresses the true believer who walks with Christ. He says several things will be true of him; otherwise he will be just going through the motions. He will watch what he says, he will be reaching out to the needy, and he will keep himself from the wickedness of the world.

Is your faith in God genuine? Will it stand up to the tests of this passage? More on this Sunday morning…

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