The First Presentation of Christ (Part 1) (John 2:1-11)

Stephen Weaver, February 24, 2019
Part of the John series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning, we continue our series in the gospel of John. We will be looking at chapter 2 verses 1-11. In this passage we have Jesus having a wonderful time at a very special occasion – a wedding in Cana of Galilee. Jesus and his disciples were invited to be there for this festive, up to a week-long celebration. What I want to do is talk about this miracle this Sunday, pointing out the events that tell us about Jesus as He begins His earthly ministry; interacts with His mother and helps a poor couple in a crisis. He even takes a shot at the Pharisees in this miracle. More on this Sunday morning… The following Sunday we will talk about the wine of this passage and it’s use in ancient times, and that it is NOT the same wine (alcohol) of today.

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