Jesus is God - Believe (John 5:17-25)

Stephen Weaver, June 23, 2019
Part of the John series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning, we continue our series in the gospel of John. We will be looking at chapter 5 verses 17-24. In this passage we have recorded the response to the miracle of a paralyzed man that was immobile for 38 years. Because of the reactions to the miracle Jesus begins to explain why he can do miracles like that on the Sabbath. Verse 17 tells us that the Father works continuously (to maintain His creation), and Jesus works (as God) continually too. Jesus then proclaims His deity and His being equal with the Father. He is God, he is equal with the Father; and He will do anything He wants on the Sabbath. I and My Father are one, SO believe on Me! More on this Sunday morning…

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