Living Bread (John 6:41-58)

Stephen Weaver, August 4, 2019
Part of the John series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday morning, we continue our series in the gospel of John. We will be looking at chapter 6 verses 41-40. In this passage Jesus answers the murmuring of the Jews. Jesus tells them what they’re missing: spiritual food! That the Father must draw them, a divine drawing to salvation, and that they must respond, human responsibility. But because they want no part of Him, they will not receive eternal life. Jesus will have no part of them because they refuse His refreshment spiritually. They totally miss their spiritual need even though that is what Jesus is trying to give to them (that bread of life). Are you totally dependent on Christ spiritually? Is He meeting your needs spiritually; like good food meets your needs physically? More on this Sunday morning…

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