He Gives Greater Grace (James 4:4-6)

Stephen Weaver, May 6, 2012
Part of the James series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday we continue our series in the book of James in chapter 4 verses 4-6. In this passage James continues to address the problem of fighting and warring among believers, and the source of those fights. Now he brings up the seriousness of friendship with the world. It is so serious because anyone who is a friend of the world makes themselves an enemy of God! God desires ALL of our allegiance to Him. So how can we possibly make this happen? Verse 6 says that He gives great grace. A grace received that will be shown with a humble spirit. Just as pride is at the root of all sin, so humility is the root of all righteousness. How can we avoid friendship with the world? How do we keep from the pitfalls of friending the world? That’s our topic for Sunday morning…

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