Principles to Salvation and Sanctification (Part 1) (James 4:7-10)

Stephen Weaver, May 20, 2012
Part of the James series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday we will be back in our verse by verse study in the book of James. Our text for the next 2 Sunday mornings will be 4:7-10. In this passage he gives a list of 10 commands (imperative verbs) for people to follow and obey. The question I had right off the bat which becomes very pertinent is: who is James speaking to and about? Believers or non-believers? If to non-believers then this is a sobering, convicting invitation to repentance; if to believers this becomes an important list of reminder principles to adhere to in the Christian life. I believe they can be used (applied) to/for both. We will look at each command this Sunday and the next…

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