Pray for One Another (Part 1) (James 5:16-18)

Stephen Weaver, August 26, 2012
Part of the James series, preached at a Sunday Morning service

This Sunday our message will be from James 5:16-18. I believe this message will turn out to be a 2 part message dealing with verse 16 (pts. 1 & 2) this week and verses 17-18 (pt. 3) next week. Here James continues with the theme of prayer. While last week we talked about (vs.13-15) that beleaguered believers need to pray for spiritual encouragement with the help of pastors (overseers). He now encourages prayer between believers as they share a mutual confession at times when they struggle with sin. During this time is when there is the great need for the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous one.

He then gives another OT illustration – Elijah, to point out how that anyone can be used in a powerful way for God’s glory when we are totally yielded to Him. More on this Sunday morning…

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